Ayurveda is also Allopathy

Almost a decade ago, a friend took some Ayurvedic powder for weight loss that resulted in immediate renal damage, which then proceeded to renal failure, which then needed long-term dialysis, eventually necessitating a renal transplant and throughout this ordeal, creating hell for the family. The powder when tested was found to contain heavy metals and steroids.

When a drug is used to produce an effect to counter the existing problem (e.g. using some powder to increase the body’s metabolism to induce weight loss as in my friend’s case)…that is termed “allopathy”. This definition was coined by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in 1810 in an attempt to separate “homeopathy”, which he invented, from the kind of medicine practiced at the time. Since homeopathy uses the concept of “like cures like”, he referred to “allopathy” as the practice of treating diseases by means of drugs that produce an opposite effect to the existing symptoms.

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