Falls-Proofing the House

The Book

The Book - Atmasvasth - A Guide to Ageing Healthfully
A 15-point guide to living long, healthy

The Detailed 15-Point Guide to Live Long, Healthy

The 15-Point Guide - Detailed
The detailed 15-points guide to live long, healthy


In June 2021, I wrote why it is extremely important that we don’t fall. Falls can cause fractures, which then start a downslide that often leads to an accelerated reduction of healthspan and lifespan. Falls may also lead to a lack of confidence, which can then lead to reduced mobility and spiral into mental and physical deterioration.

In the first edition of the Atmasvasth book, in the detailed 15-point guide, these are my recommendations related to falls.

Of all these factors, physical activity and strength training have the best evidence for preventing falls, especially for those at high risk for falls or those who have already had one fall. Exercise also helps with other parameters of health and should necessarily be a part of daily life, more, the older you get.What I haven’t discussed in any detail is the the 5th point, i.e. addressing environmental hazards that can lead to falls, specifically those at home.