Physical Activity Update - I (Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cancers, Falls, Sleep, Dementia)
Updated data on the impact of physical activity on blood pressure, diabetes, sleep, cancers, falls and dementia

The Crossroads of Physical Activity, Sleep and Cognitive Decline
Physical activity and sleep are both important when it comes to reducing the rate of cognitive decline

The Sleep Apnea Testing Problem
Testing for sleep apnea should be done only when there is a definite medical reason, not just as part of some health check-up

Cultivating the "Baporiyu"
The advantages of daytime naps

6-8 hours of deep, undisturbed sleep increase your healthspan and lifespan

Physical Activity and Poor Sleep and Stroke
Physical activity can offset the downsides of poor sleep while physical inactivity increases the risk of stroke in those below the age of 60-years