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Table of Contents

The Guides

Lectures (Videos)

Understanding the Steps and Taking Control

Taking Control


Eating Sensibly

Managing Cardiovascular Risk including Hypertension & Diabetes

Estimating our Our Own Cardiovascular Risk - 31 Jan 2021

The Matka of Statin Intolerance (The Nocebo Effect And Our Perceptions That Affect Our Use of Statins) - 03 Jan 2021

Blood Pressure / Hypertension


Sleeping Well

Weight and Calories

Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements

Immunizations and Vaccines

Preventing Falls, Managing Bone Health and Avoiding Road Accidents

Good Hygiene

Addictions and Stimulants

Managing Environmental Exposures and Stressors

Managing Air Pollution

Managing Noise Pollution

Managing Extremes of Temperature

Screening for Disease

Managing Brain Health

Managing Our Senses

Regular Health Check-Ups

Choosing Wisely (Doctors, Insurance, Hospitals, Care-Givers, etc)

Managing The Remaining 1500 Weeks of Life

The Matkas

Our Health Matkas, Understanding Them and Then Taking Control - 25 Dec 2020

Interdependence - 27 Nov 2021

When We Live

Where We Live

Who We Are

What We Have

What is Done to Us

What & How We Are - 13 Jan 2021

Who We See, When We See

Shit Happens