Not Forgetting Names at Weddings and Parties
Reducing rate of cognition loss needs a combination of physical activity, sensible eating and good sleep

It happens quite often these days at weddings or parties. You run into someone you know, but their names just elude you. I know who they are, their names are at the tip of my tongue…but I can’t remember them. Typically, I introduce my wife to them, hoping they will introduce themselves to her. If they don’t, I just tell her, “you know who they are”. If she is in a bad mood, she says “no” and leaves me hanging dry. The first time it happened, I didn’t know where to look. Now, I just smile, give a knowing look, especially, if they are the same age as me or older and say, “I am so sorry, but my gray matter is becoming as white as my hair”, and I am able to exit the situation gracefully, most of the times.